Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Can your instructors conduct JMPI's? 

A: Many of our instructors are qualified to do JMPI's and we staff with a good mixture of contractors in order to support trips that need JMPI help.

Q: Can your instructors jump our gear?

A:  We have never encountered a trip that we weren't able to jump the group's gear if they wished. If it is placed in the PWS (performance work statement) then there is never an issue.

Q: Can you help supply planes or facilities?

A: Final Approach has many contacts throughout the community and can assist in finding whatever your group needs. Aircraft, facilities, alternate drop zones in the area, lodging suggestions, whatever your group needs to make things easier we will do our best to make it happen.

Q: Can your riggers pack military parachutes?

A: Most of our riggers can not only pack any rig but they are typically the fastest and safest packers/riggers in the industry. 

Q: Can your instructors do HAHO's?

A: If HAPS cards are needed for a trip then we will staff accordingly. Most of our instructors are HAPS qualified.

Q: Can you get altimeters or gear if needed?

A: Gear is available through our sister company, The Parachute Pro Shop, we also come to each trip prepared with a selection of common items required like gloves, altimeters, batteries, and goggles.

Q: Can your instructors travel?

Yes, our instructors can travel to any location to conduct training
